Monday, February 25, 2008

March Book Choices & Discussion

Hello again friends,
Hope all is well and you are looking forward to the book discussion scheduled for Tonight: Tuesday, February 26 at 7pm on AIM. I will unfortunately not be able to attend as I will be on a plane to NYC, yet again. However, my dear friend A.Karpy will be in charge (thanks karps!) of bringing everyone together for the discussion. If you would like to join, please IM "karpy423" and she will invite you to the chat.

Also, wanted to announce March as the month for the classics! I was thinking with the ever-so-long month of March, we could make the most of it by getting caught up on the classics that we have never read and/or want to re-read. So, let's try the format for this month will be: you make your choice of classic to read. Get caught up on the stories that you always say, "Oh, I've been meaning to read that..." or you missed it the first time and want to re-read. We won't all be reading the same thing, but at least we can give a collective shout-out to the great authors of days gone by.

The following list is just to give you ideas:) Happy reading!

The Great Gatsby
Anna Karenina
War and Peace
The Bell Jar
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Love in the Time of Cholera

More ideas (see also):


Anonymous said...

I picked up "To Kill a Mockingbird" today and I'm pumped. I am going to try to read 3 classics this month...a little ambitious, but do-able with all the traveling. yay.

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